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Terms & Conditions


This is a rental agreement between 4 Star Backline, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor" and the person guaranteeing the contractor as in pledge, promise payment and but not limited to assume responsibility for the satisfactory return and non-damage of gear hereinafter referred to as the "Renter"). It is expressly understood and agreed that this is a contract of rental only, and that nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed as conveying to the Renter any right, title, or interest in the equipment, other than a rental. This agreement is specifically and exclusively for the rental of the equipment agreed to in the document within or in the e mailed pay link. 
The Renter agrees to pay 4 Star Backline, LLC for rental equipment for the term described in the Pick-up and Delivery sections of this document. If rentor cancels event for any reason ninety (90) to sixty (60) days prior to the event, Rentor agrees to pay ten percent (10%) of the balance amount as compensation to Contractor for time and preparation. Ten percent is due within ten days of cancellation. If Renter cancels the event for any reason sixty (60) to forty-five (45) days prior to the event, Renter agrees to pay half the balance amount as compensation to Contractor for time, preparation, and the loss of date. Payment due within 10 days of cancellation date. If Renter cancels the event for any reason forty-five ( 45) days prior to the event, Renter agrees to pay entire balance amount as compensation to Contractor for time, preparation, rental deposits, equipment purchases, labor, and the loss of date. Payment due within 10 days of cancellation notice. In the event Renter refuses or neglects to provide any of the items herein stated, and/or fails to make any of the payment as provided herein, Contractor shall retain any amounts previously paid to Contractor by Renter, and Renter shall remain liable to Contractor for the balance set forth.
The Renter is wholly responsible for any loss or damage to the equipment. 4 Star Backline, LLC does not offer any insurance coverage for the items. In the event of loss or damage of the item(s), for any reason, or if the item is not returned on or before the agreement expires, the Renter will be liable for up to full replacement value of the equipment, and possible penalties assessed at the discretion of 4 Star Backline, LLC. Due to supply chain issues and increased replacement cost, any loss of rented equipment can be inflated due to potential loss of future income due to delay time of equipment replacement and the needs of equipment for future events. Replacement costs are at the sole discretion of 4 Star Backline, LLC. 4 Star Backline, LLC has the right to pick-up late equipment and charge Renter for any charges incurred for the pick-up such as fuel, truck rental, missed rental opportunities, and labor plus additional penalties. All equipment is available for inspection and resting by the Renter on the day of rental. Failures must be reported immediately. 4 Star Backline, LLC will determine any price adjustments due to failure. In the event of an equipment failure, back-up equipment will be supplied to the best of the Contractor's abilities. Unauthorized service, use, or modification to any equipment will result in further charges and liability. 4 Star Backline, LLC reserves the right to inspect the equipment at any time during the rental term and has the option to remove the equipment for failure to meet with the contract terms, without refund. The Renter agrees to allow access to any leased or rented items at all times to 4 Star Backline, LLC. 
The Property delivered to the Job Location(s) by 4 Star Backline, LLC, is, and shall at all times be and remain, the sole and exclusive Property of the Contractor and the Renter shall have no right, title or interest therein or thereto. Renter shall have the right to operate the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Renter shall make no alterations, changes, or modifications to the Property, including but not limited to defacing, removing, or covering any nameplates on the Property showing the Contractor's name and identification of ownership or that of the manufacturer, without having obtained the prior written authorization from Contractor. If Property is removed, stolen or damaged by Renter's attendees, guests, employees, performers, or other persons, then Renter shall be in Default and shall be liable for the cost of repairing or replacing the Property at the Contractor's sole discretion. 
Renter agrees to hold 4 Star Backline, LLC NOT responsible for any damages to property or personnel, from use or misuse of the rented equipment and to comply with all laws, regulations, and ordinances, present and future, relating to the operation and use of the equipment. 
Should any portion of this Agreement prove to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect the balance of this Agreement. This Agreement is guided by and governed by the laws of the State of Alabama. Should any litigation arise between the parties hereto regarding the performance of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be compensated for whatever damages are awarded, plus reasonable attorney's fees by the other party. 

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